
Showing posts from April, 2014

15 Things Highly Confident People Don’t Do

Highly confident people believe in their ability to achieve. If you don’t believe in yourself, why should anyone else put their faith in you? To walk with swagger and improve your self-confidence, watch out for these fifteen things highly confident people don’t do . 1. They don’t make excuses. Highly confident people take ownership of their thoughts and actions. They don’t blame the traffic for being tardy at work; they were late. They don’t excuse their short-comings with excuses like “I don’t have the time” or “I’m just not good enough”; they make the time and they keep on improving until they are good enough. 2. They don’t avoid doing the scary thing. Highly confident people don’t let fear dominate their lives. They know that the things they are afraid of doing are often the very same things that they need to do in order to evolve into the person they are meant to be. 3. They don’t live in a bubble of comfort. Highly confident people avoid the comfort zone,...

Borong sakan Botol Shaker design baru

Good News....Goood news... New Shaker Design are up for grabs...  First and foremost, thank you Allah s.w.t kerana memberi segala nikmat dan rahmatmu kepadaku shingga ke hari ini... Alhamdulillah, business dah semakin meningkat, penjualan Shaklee amat memberangsangkan dan permintaan terhadap botol Shaker diluar jangkaan..  Ok, since ramai yang request utk different types of shaker, hari ni I nk update our latest types of shaker.. So, kepada uolss yg bt biz kecantikan or kesihatan jomm BORONG sakan shaker-shaker ni ya..!! Boleh pilih mengikut cita rasa masing-masing.. Tapi uols pliss fhm, I jual based on BORONG ...means uolss kena beli banyak.. min 1 carton and above. Kalau nk beli loose boleh but with DIFFERENT PRICE.  Jomm cuci mata...pilih shaker yg berkenan... Oh, btw, shaker yang lama masih dijual seperti biasa.. 1carton = 144pc 1carton = 144pc 1carton = 180pc 1carton = 240pc Special Edition 1carton = 192pc (minimum to buy 27 ca...